San Bartolome High School formally opened the school year 2020-2021 on 5 October 2020. This is after the Department of Education has deferred the school opening this year due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Despite barring face-to-face instruction, students and teachers have been on their game in teaching and learning in the new normal. Three modalities have been offered by the school this year: modular, online and blended.
Teachers have been training and working on their homes in the months leading up to the opening to prepare themselves in the upcoming school year. The registrar, on the other hand, has opened online registration of learners.
Again, the school welcomes the learners, students, teachers, administrators and stakeholders in the challenging school year 2020-2021. With the effort of everyone involved, this school year will be as fruitful as the other school years whilst exploring the new modalities of learning, opening new opportunities for learning not just for this year but also the succeeding school years.