To comply with the system of integrated support for their students’, schools need to build partnership with parents and develop mutual responsibility for children's’ success in the educational system. In this way, parental involvement are increased, parents’ effort to support schools are encouraged, and they are directly making a positive impact to a successful educational system.
Educators and parents play major roles in the educational success of students. Students need a positive learning experience to succeed in school: one providing support, motivation, and quality instruction. With the increasing demands on the family, parental support in the education of students extends beyond the school building. Many families are faced with overwhelming and unpredictable schedules and circumstances while juggling school, sports, family situations, family time, work schedules, and other responsibilities, allowing minimal time to provide support in any one given area.
Yet, it is important that parents and schools establish a partnership to bring out the best in the students. A successful collaboration between these two parties are beneficial for the performance of the students and will greatly aid in improving education.
The following school services are available for parents to help foster their child's development:
Guidance counseling
Parent-teacher conference
Parent-teacher collaborative activities
Feedback mechanisms
Child protection seminars and advocacies
The school invites parents to come to the school and confer with their teachers/advisers should they wish to know more about their children. The parents are requested to notify the teacher in advance and confer during the latter's free periods only. They are not allowed to proceed directly to the classroom; instead they should proceed to the Guidance Office where they will be met by the teacher.