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The school is a firm believer in the implementation of positive discipline. It focuses on the positive points of behavior and uses non-destructive or violence methods to promote proper and good behavior while discouraging inappropriate ones.


It is based on the idea that there are no bad children, just good and bad behaviors. Good behavior can be taught and reinforced while weaning the bad behaviors without hurting the child verbally or physically. People engaging in positive discipline are not ignoring problems. Rather, they are actively involved in helping the child learn how to handle situations more appropriately while remaining calm, friendly and respectful to the children themselves.

Five Criteria for Positive Discipline


  1. Is Kind and Firm at the same time. (Respectful and encouraging) 

  2. Helps children feel a sense of Belonging and Significance. (Connection) 

  3. Is Effective Long-Term. (Punishment works short term, but has negative long-term results.) 

  4. Teaches valuable Social and Life Skills for good character. (Respect, concern for others, problem-solving, accountability, contribution, cooperation) 

  5. Invites children to discover how Capable they are and to use their personal power in constructive ways. 

Benefits of Positive Discipline in Education


  1. Better student-teacher relations.

  2. Less teacher wasted energy/frustration.

  3. Students recognize desirable positive behaviors, rather than feel attacked.

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