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Extra-curricular activities are exercises that students normally do outside the formal curriculum of the school. The school encourages student participation in these programs to further their development. Each school department have their own clubs that they manage in which students can join, participate and lead.


Every organization in the school must be officially recognized to enable school-based privileges and recognition. Furthermore, a faculty adviser normally oversee such organization and their activities.


The school's journalism program is one of the best in the Division of Quezon City, as well as in the National Capital Region. Student-journalists are frequently recognized for their excellence and their brilliance as well as their creative and relevant works. This excellence in writing and journalism translates into awards that recognizes the skills and marksmanship of the student-journalists.

Arts and Culture

Students from San Bartolome High School are by nature talented. They are so talented that the school have produced talents that are recognizable not just in the community but also nationwide. The school also hosts cultural activities that promote not just the heritage of the Philippines but also hone the nationalism, skill and artistic movements of the students. This in turn has enabled the school to be recognized not just in the local scene but also in a wider regional and national audience.

Co-Curricular Clubs
  1. CACHET Club

  2. Campus Crusaders

  3. Damath Society

  4. English Club

  5. Economics Society

  6. ESP Club

  7. Evolutionary Voices Club

  8. Filipino Club

  9. Gender and Development

  10. Historical Society

  11. Interact Club

  12. Journalism

  13. Junior Environmental Police Advocates

  14. Link Club

  15. MAPEH Club

  16. Marian Youth Ministry

  17. Math Club

  18. Red Cross Youth

  19. Science Club

  20. Science Research Club

  21. STEP Club

  22. Student Leaders’ Club

  23. YES-Organization

School-based Organizations and Development
  1. Junior Police

  2. Boy Scouts of the Philippines

  3. Sports

  4. Dance Troupe (Handuraw)

  5. I am the Voice

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